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Writer's pictureAmber Bendett

Cadence turns 6

In the months leading up to Cadence's sixth Birthday, we tried to nail down one theme, but she just couldn't decide! Then it hit me, “Who says you have to pick one theme for a party?”

So, I made it a mix of all her favorite things (well, besides ‘LOL Surprise’ because that’s just taking it too far.

Unicorns, flamingos, flowers, rainbows, and swans….with a lot of sparkle and pink of course!

Let me just say that morning parties are the way to go. There's no turning back for me! I love that doughnuts, fruit, and kolaches is as basic as it can be for mornings!

Having a December Birthday is always tricky because we never know if the weather will be nice enough for us to have it outside. This year it was too chilly, so everything was in the house. I planned a few simple activities to keep a bunch of toddlers-kindergarteners busy—

Necklace making with beads, Unicorn slime, and Dress up.

Overall, it was such a fun, over the top girlie party. Apart from my son and a few of his friends who did their own thing which included super heroes and Paw Patrol. :)

We are so blessed to have such a loving community to do life with and get to watch each other's babies grow up together. When everyone was gone and I looked around my wreck of a home, I was actually so full of gratitude instead of stress. And unlike times in the past, I felt no need to rush and do the dishes or start franticly cleaning right away. Instead, we relaxed, played with new toys, read new books and talked about our favorite parts of the party. Just trying to soak in these sweet moments, because they really are flying by.

Now, the next day, that's a different story, the cleaning frenzy was on. I mean I can’t function in mess very long.

I overheard a few of her friends saying,

“This is the best party ever!”

and I watched Cadence smiling and giggling the entire time.

My momma heart is happy.

A big thank you to my husband for making amazing lattes for all of the moms the entire party long! To Melissa for making the amazing cake + cupcakes! Tina for getting her the most perfect unicorn dress and taking these amazing pictures! Lauren and Kaylx who came over early to make a balloon arch! And my mom for giving the most prized gift of them all--the ultimate, over the top LOL Surprise! ( I still don't understand the fascination with those things!) And to all the family and friends who came to be part of her special day. Thank you-We love you!

It really does take a village.

Please let me know if you have any questions or would like sources for anything you see!


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